Ok for those of you wondering if I am in Ghana to have fun or do some work here goes.
If you have read any earlier blogs you will know that I am out here to advice a network of NGO's - Coalition Of Volunteering Organisations Ghana (COVOG) on their Organisational Development.
I have been working closely with the Executive Committee on a number of areas of the organisation/network's development and have been planning and preparing for a two day conference, where I am to facilitate the consultation with the members.
So not that much! Ahh where are all my VAC mates when I need them. No to be fair they have been really helpful; I couldn't have done my work out in Ghana without the constant help from my friends and collegues in Cardiff.
The conference took place on the 25th and 26th March and we had a good turn out. They loved my wacky, creative consultation methods and even put up with me walking around bare foot as I was meant to be resting my foot.
I would say the two days were successful and I feel COVOG got a lot out of it. The report is available for anyone who wants a copy - well maybe not anyone, you have to be nice to me.
I also got interviewed by the media, both TV and newspaper and hopefully will be sent copies. So when I get back to Cardiff maybe my head will not fit through the door.